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EURION Cluster Annual Meeting 2023

30 Jan 2023 - 31 Jan 2023 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The next EURION Cluster Annual Meeting will be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 30-31 January 2023.

The provisional programme is now available and you can now also register to attend here.

Please note that only the morning session 1 and 2 on 30 January is open online to stakeholders, all other meeting sessions will be for members of the EURION Cluster only. Stakeholders please select: EURION partner >> Other and Attending on Day 1 (N.B. Session 1 and 2 only). A link for online attendance will be made available in the programme on the EURION website.

At the open online sessions (30 January, 9:00-12:00 CET), we will provide highlights on the activities and results of the EURION Cluster and its eight projects that cover different aspects of new testing and screening methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

Deadline for registration is 30 November 2022. 

Please do not hesitate to share this news with your colleagues and networks!


Monday 30 January 2023

(all times in Central European Time (CET))

Session 1: Opening session

09:00    Opening and introduction to the day (Marjorie van Duursen and Anna-Liisa Levonen)

09:15    Opening EU policy context in relation to EDs (DG ENV Representative Mara Ceridono)

09.35    EU policy in relation to EU funded research in environment and health in connection with EDs (DG RTD Representative Alex Mulet-Indrayanti)

09:45    EURION Cluster highlights (Lorenzo Moroni and Andreas Kortenkamp)

10:00    Coffee

Session 2: EURION project highlights

10:30        EURION project highlights (project coordinators, 10 minutes per project)

  • ATHENA (Andreas Kortenkamp)
  • EDCMET (Anna-Liisa Levonen)
  • ENDpoiNTs (Joëlle Rüegg)
  • ERGO (Henrik Holbech)
  • FREIA (Majorie van Duursen)
  • GOLIATH (Juliette Legler)
  • OBERON (Karine Audouze)
  • SCREENED (Lorenzo Moroni)

12:00       Lunch and close of open session.



Anna-Liisa Levonen (EDCMET Coordinator) anna-liisa.levonen@uef.fi

Majorie B.M. van Duursen (FREIA Coordinator) m.van.duursen@vu.nl

Ellen Langemeijer (FREIA Project Manager) e.v.langemeijer@vu.nl

Maija Hartikainen (EDCMET Project Manager) maija.hartikainen@uef.fi