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EURION at the Second Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors

The European Commission Communication “Towards a comprehensive European Union framework on endocrine disruptors”, published in November 2018 stated, as part of the inclusive approach to bring together all interested parties, that the European Commission would organise an Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors. The First Annual Forum took place in November 2019.

Last year the Second Annual Forum took place on 17-18 December 2020, and presented the conclusions and recommendations from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) led Fitness Check as well as the actions on endocrine disruptors in the new Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The Forum also served as a platform for policy makers and stakeholders to discuss follow-up actions. Finally, recent developments on endocrine disruptors such as research projects funded and European initiatives were presented. The work of the EURION cluster was presented on 17 December 2020, during a one-hour informative session entitled ‘EURION Cluster: Testing and Screening Methods to Identify Endocrine Disruptors‘. EURION was presented by ATHENA coordinator Andreas Kortenkamp (Brunel University, United Kingdom), GOLIATH coordinator Juliette Legler (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) and FREIA coordinator Majorie van Duursen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

You can watch both days of the conference via the following recording links:

17 December 2020

18 December 2020

For more information please visit: Second Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors